Thursday, July 31, 2008

don't make me say remember when

I've probably seen Castledoor and the Flying Tourbullion Orchestra about 3 times each and i have to say they get better every time. Castledoor being the better of the two. I also love that all the shows they've played I've been able to walk to from my house. They are one of those bands that are unmistakably L.A by that i mean they're perfect sunny pop, catchy and depressing at same time. Just as the city can be such a paradox of realities for some, they manage to capture that in these amazing 3 minute songs. I bought their E.P. the first time i saw them at the Echo and instantly loved it. The song remember when can almost bring me to tears at times. If you live in LA and have some free time tonight check them both out. They will be at the Scene out in Glendale and play between the hours 10:30-11:15. Its definitely worth suffering thru the crowd of hipsters wearing leather headbands and fringe. Oh yeah...and they're also play Sunset Junction this year so if you miss out make sure to catch them then.

Remember When

make it solid gold

Just started my day at work(wahhhhh) and i already stumbled upon GOLD. haha. Just found this band out of NYC called The Golden Filter Shit sounds amazing. Just last night my boyfriend and I were discussing(being that he's only 20 and hasn't been to many) clubs and how very few provide a soundtrack that is worthy of the cover charge. It all gets to boring and the beats are often way to hard(i.e Justice, Daft Punk ...and all that French shit hipsters cream over) for me to get into. i wanna dance to something dreamy, drink in hand, heart swelling in my chest, all the good stuff i remember from the raves of my youth. I never get that feeling anymore and it's kinda sad. Anyways these guys(or girls, who knows?) are helping me rebuild and keep the dream of that disco in my mind that may very well never be a reality.


The Golden Filter-Solid Gold

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

i'm not the man you think i am

Usually I'm not into stuff like this but you throw cute Asian girl vocals on just about anything and I'm sold. Enter TYSKERHAR a Berlin based duo who pump out fucken dirty ass beats. You could compare them to sooo many people so i won't. I just ask you to listen to 5 Bit Combo and dare you not to giggle at their use of samples from mortal combat. I hated that game as a kid cause i could never beat my cousins at it. Whatever the reason i love this shit its besides the point. Basically I'm just in love with her. haha. Which is the case with so many bands i get into. Its all about the vocals for me.

In other news kinda bummed cause me and my friend were supposed to go see White Lies at the Echo tonight but because of a club later that night the show starts at 7:30. WTF. I just can't get home on the train that fast from work. It sucks cause i kept seeing flyers all over and thought to myself "who the fuck is that and why are they everywhere". i just figured they were a local band but they re actually from the U.K. Wierd. Also another really great band is making rounds in a couple of weeks. Telepathique who hail all the way from Sao Paulo, Brazil will be in LA on the 14th of august. I have a deep love for Brazilian music and rhythms....almost anything that comes out of there is gold. I think they're album is released next month via the Control Group. the duo just seem to just ooze sex quite like Tetine but in a less experimental approach. The only sucky thing aside from the fact that they haven't announced a venue yet is that in NY they are opening for fucken Metric. Whyyyyyyyy? Ugh, well anyways here is a new and old video by them and some Mp3s. Love them both. Supersex. Blahblahblah. Peace Bitches.

Telepathique-Im not the man you think i am

Telepathique-Eu Gosto



Tyskerhar-My Prada

Telepathique-Eu Gosto

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Let's get fuuuucked up

Oh yeah and also.....

Let's go get fucked up

Nite time feelings...

So day 2 of my attempt to get back into blogging is going well. Despite the earthquakes and moneylessness I'm experiencing today it's actually been pretty good. Work is changing up a bit which is a very good thing. Just relocating this week, meaning I'm now sharing a space with my boyfriend(and his ex roommates stuff...but I'll get into that when i get to my breaking point). Sadly a byproduct of that is I'm separated by what feels like an ocean from my music/computer. Not saying I'm not happy with things just feels like I'm still in transition but frankly I've been in transition for the better part of a year and I'm over it.

With all that said last week i stumbled on some pretty amazing shit. First off the band Cosmetics. They remind me of Glass Candy on acid. Listen to the song nite time and suck me off later. From them i was linked to Ice cream(thanks myspace) and finally reflektionss and their label Disco Fizz which only boasts 3 bands total. Its all very Italians Do it Better but a bit more head trippy. So needless to say i love them all. Even though 2 of the bands deleted me. i have a feeling its about all my bulletins i post during my extremely boring workday and the fact that neither has more than 300 friends total. Which is fine...I'll rep them despite that. I searched all the major sites and couldn't find a damn thing. Could be due to the fact that they mostly release records and (god love them) cassette tapes. I did snag some stuff from reflektionss myspace which i may post later but you can just get them from their myspace directly. They also have a blogspot which has all the releases in detail at cosmicbubblegum

In other news saw the duke spirit play Amoeba in Hollywood yesterday. It was as amazing as i remember them being. Only wish i could have smoked a little before but my lack of money kept me from that. They were great anyways played mostly new stuff but managed to squeeze in a few oldies despite their lack of a piano. The crowd was a little lame but when the did Love is an Unfamiliar name all was forgiven.

Monday, July 28, 2008

wreck ya, check ya, disrespect ya

Been to long since i've updated but with the slump at work i'm gonna try to get back on the ball with this. I know the whole mix tape thing has been around forever but only recently (since the death of my Ipod and a need to find something to listen to at work) have i been roaming blogs and fully appreciating them. I almost creamed my pants when i heard about the upcoming Santogold/Diplo mixtape in the works. Anyways i've been on Nola Darlings jock for awhile but they just relesed thier first "mini" mix tape. If you have some free time and are sorta into female MC's (they sound somewhere inbetween left eye from TLC and a poppier Lauryn Hill and still sprinkle in a little femminest rhetoric on a few tracks all while mixing in songs from Black Sheep, Phil collins, and Rupaul) check em out and if you haven't copped already....


Oh yeah and add them

The song kids kinda sucks but the rest are pretty great