Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Beacuse i've recently shut off my cable i have turned to blogs as a replacement for E!. My favorite being d-listed. I don't know what it is about perez hilton(ok yes i do its, his hair and the fact that i see him at too many god damn shows) but i just really can't handle his blog. Anyways, this guy is just as bitchy and doesn't have hair like someone from the jetsons. It's just another way to pass time at work, but something i saw this morning completely shocked me. Now i thought lauryn hill was laying low now adays but apparently shes not...why this bitch isnt all across the covers of people and us weekly is beyond me. This is what my boy from d-listed had to say:

"Ronald McDonald's secret love child is that you? No, it's Lauryn Hill! Seriously, Lauryn doesn't give a fuck! Or maybe she does and that's why she put this heinous outfit together. I'm into it though. I can handle the crazy. Someone really needs to give this woman her own reality show STAT."

I couldn't agree more. i'd actually consider turning my cable back on if she got her own show.

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